Friday, January 14, 2011

Tomy/Trackmaster Flying Scotsman

First Post of 2011!

Here's The Two Locos I used to make him...

Here, you see why i got Spencer.

The Sides are made using Styrene...

...and glued on using plastic cement.

Because Gordon's buffers did not match the ones on the real engine, I ended up sawing off Spencer's buffers... well as Gordon's...

...and glueing them on using plastic cement.

Due to a so-so saw alignment job here's the results:

But I doubt many will Notice.

Another Check on the tender With the Multi-use Cutters...

While idle for green Paint I took care of the buffers and buffer beam...

After getting The Paint The paintshop job begins...

It took at least 3 coats to get it just right!

Custom Decals made useing Appleworks and the Internet...


See Ya Soon!